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 Stuka Guages Identification for Newer Pilots.

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Stuka Guages Identification for Newer Pilots. Empty
PostSubject: Stuka Guages Identification for Newer Pilots.   Stuka Guages Identification for Newer Pilots. I_icon_minitimeSat Mar 19, 2011 8:44 am

Stuka Guages Identification for Newer Pilots. Stukapit2

1. Clock. Measures game time, not your local time.
2 .Altimeter. Readout is in tens (small ticks), hundreds (numbered ticks) and thousands of meters (small window in the bottom, currently reading 0). In this picture the Stuka is at exactly 100 meters above sea level.
3. Slave compass. Shows your general heading at a glance.
4. Indicated Airspeed. Readout is in kilometer per hour (kmh).
5. Inclinometer. Shows your Turn and Bank and your Yaw (when you skid by applying rudder) in the classic "needle and ball" format.
6. Low altitude altimeter. Good for altitudes below 150 m (i.e. for landing). Cannot be calibrated for various starting altitudes though, so it is only good for airfields at sea level.
7. Boost and RPM combination instrument. Not very useful, but there it is.
8. Vertical Speed Indicator (VsI). Shows whether you are climbing or sinking. Add two zeros to get a correct reading, e.g. 10 = 1000 m/min.
9. Dive Angle Indicator. When level, the arm indicates at the topmost tickmark. When diving at the prescribed 90-degree angle (i.e. fully vertical) the arm indicates at the low tickmark.
10. RPM. Shows the revolutions of your propeller in units of hundreds per minute, e.g. 20 = 2000 RPM. See the effects on this gauge by changing from Economy to Continuous and Maximum RPM with ‘ key.
11. Boost gauge. Measures manifold pressure (throttle).
12. Fuel gauge. Shows fuel remaining. Lower boost and RPM settings will save gas and earn mileage.
13. Oil pressure. If you have an oil leak, the pressure will drop and leave you with a very sick engine.
14. Engine temperature.
15. Another temperature gauge. Inoperative.
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Stuka Guages Identification for Newer Pilots.
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